Industry and community events are considered by most businesses to be great opportunities to reach out to their customers in a direct way – a way that can help with the company’s branding efforts. If you are in the process of getting a custom tent and you are also looking into ways of using your tent with maximum efficiency, here are some tips for you.

Get the Best Tent That You Can Afford

Custom branded tents, even the ones that feature complex designs, are quite affordable, but even so, it is a good idea to take the time to choose and to design your tent. Business tents come in a variety of shapes and sizes and they also come in a variety of materials. When picking the shape, the size and the materials that work best for you, consider aspects related to portability, the number of the people that your tent will need to accommodate as well as the weather related challenges that your tent will have to face.

event tent

Get a Professional Design

You can surely create your own design to be printed onto your tent canvas, but turning to a professional design and printing company is a much better solution for a number of reasons. The best tent design is surely highly visible and uses vivid colors to attract attention, but it also needs to be tasteful and it needs to highlight your business logo or other important information in the right way. Turning to event tent design specialists is a great solution not only because they know exactly how to create the right design for you, but also because they either own their own print or they collaborate with a professional printing company to execute their designs, so turning to a tent design company is practically the best way to outsource the entire task of preparing your tent for you.

How to Use the Tent the Right Way – Fitting and Surrounding It With Extras

When your tent is ready, you should start preparing for the next event. Make sure to book a central location for your company, in an area that gets lots of traffic. You can – and should – use your tent not only to provide shelter for your staff, but also to establish yourself as a company that cares about the comfort of your customers as well. To achieve that, fit your tent with comfortable chairs and small tables and invite potential customers and interested visitors to take a seat and to talk to your team. Take that comfort one step further and offer your guests healthy and allergen free refreshments and snacks – treats that everyone will enjoy, especially if the weather is hot outside.

To make your presence even more strongly marked at the event, you can also use additional marketing materials, such as additional banners, flags and A-frames, distributed strategically around your tent. Those additional materials will point towards your tent and will warmly invite potential customers to visit you, thus increasing the exposure that your brand is getting even further.